its cool
OMG I LOVE IT its so hard yayayayayyayyayayaayayayayayayayay GO TAKE A DUMP on my shoes
I never finished it, but it's fun still.
its cool
OMG I LOVE IT its so hard yayayayayyayyayayaayayayayayayayay GO TAKE A DUMP on my shoes
More time and fine tuning needed soz
This has been made loads of times and so I would deffinately have said it wasnt worth remaking. even so to make anything that stands out you need to make changes and adjustemnts. Graphics should be improved and controls are a bit iffy.. easy but iffy. The code to the game obviously needs some toying with as having a minus life is sort of pointless and the collision detection seemed to be wrong. But with more effort invested in it I think it is quite possible to make something far more enjoyable so good luck next time sorry:(
very unoriginal game..... and why did i have -12 lives????
well...not really. this was boring. and how the fuck can one be on negative 1 lives!? yes, i suck at frogger, but thats besides the point.
fix this up, ie: better graphics, some sound would be nice, and a silly little 'you suck' when you die.
OMG it sucks!