thats about as good as a wrestler who keyed your car!
Well, its a movie with squares that fly around while you listen to a song. Thats what it is.
thats about as good as a wrestler who keyed your car!
Awesome in a polygonal way ^_^
Radical yet cool! xD
koolaid is so damn good.
LiTTle TrEvOr
WhAt The FuCk WaS ThiS i liked it
LIttL3 br4D i wiLKL KIll you and youR Family . hahahahahahahahahahaaaagan.
Artistic, me like
I hope you learned a lot about tweening from this ;)
whats tweening? i did this all frame by frame.
Getting dizzy...
Lol that square pic that came outta nowhere was pretty funny and on 1 part the square's lines got curved...
i know. it got weird