this feels like nature
Yea! Front page! Thanks a million to whoever is responsible for that, and of course all the cool NG members who voted and reviewed this. Woohoo! Didn't expect this!
Edit #2: Just to clear something up, and to save myself responding to alot of reviews, I'm not nine years old, nor did a nine year old help me make this movie, it was all done by one fifteen year old. The name of the song is "I'm 9 today". Sorry for the confusion!
Edit: Argh! the sound wasn't synced up right because this movie is kind of a performance hog... It's on stream now, should be better.
This is a roughly 4 1/2 minute movie that took me about 6 weeks to make. It's a serious short that takes place in the grass.
The music is Mum, I'm 9 today, from the album Yesterday Was Dramatic, Today is OK
Hope you enjoy!
this feels like nature
Wow, I'm blown away to get a comment on this 17 years after the fact. I was 15 when I made this, and I'm 32 now. It was over half my life ago. Glad someone saw it.
i likes it!
cool movie and great music what more could you want?
Highly unique
Well done, great vid which i have never seen anything like! Hoping to see afew more like this :)
a masterpiece
firstly i'd like to congratualte you on such a great flash
secondly i loved the storyline, the way it all seemed very random until right at the very end
and finally i would like to say this deserves to be up there with prowlies att he river and walk smash walk
a very good piece of flash
feel proud