Good really good
You got the idea from Metal Gear Solid 3 right?
[Update: Okay folks, the sequel is out now, so go check that out in the case you even remotely liked this!:)]
Snake is making his way to the latest Metal Gear in production.
The Major is a purely fictional character, kind of a mixup between Colonel Campbell and Major Zero.
The movie itself is rather short, because the sounds take up a lot of the filesize.
I would recommend playing Snake Eater first or you will propably miss most of the movie.
Any kind of constructive critisism is welcome, so that I can improve my work in the future.
Since so many people have pointed it out, I'm going to say it here: The name of Snake is in MGS3 indeed Naked Snake, not Solid Snake.But, the main character in this movie is SOLID SNAKE.And, if you take a closer look, the events are situated on a different continent:Africa, not USSR/Russia.
The whole series is going to be a mix of all three games.I hope this clears things out a bit!:)
Good really good
You got the idea from Metal Gear Solid 3 right?
That was good
It had it's moments i especially loved the part where he took the methamphetamine and tripped out,the voice acting was a bit iffy but overall i liked this,nice job.
Thank you!
Thanks! No spoiling. ;)
nice i guess
the second one is alot better then this but still it was ok
Thanks! Soon I might have the chance to start working on pt.3... But it remains to be seen. :)
Sanon kahel kielellä/I'll say in 2 languages!
Ihan ok, mut parempiikii on nähty. Ei millää pahalla, mut tää ei ollu kauhee hyvä :( / It was ok, but I've seen better, no offense, but this wasn't too good :(
Vastaan kahdella kielellä/
I'll respond in two languages!
Tiedän. Paranee vielä. :) /
I know. Will get better. :)