very nice
I like the music. The frame by frame animation looked better with the purple designed background. This is very dark and imaginative. Very fun to watch.
This is a confusing music-flash-thing. I made it while thinking about all the bad things in the world, so that's the plot... or something like that. It's probably too strange for you people to understand. Some of it doesnt have much to do with anything.
I'm sorry about that it's danish. It doesn't really matter though, while the images is the most important thing.
(Tomt = Empty, Livet = Life, Opdater filen = Update the file, Slet filen = Delete the file. And in the end of it, I thank Entakt for the awesome song, Ventilen)
also thanks to Teletubbies, Bomberman and Nik & Jay
very nice
I like the music. The frame by frame animation looked better with the purple designed background. This is very dark and imaginative. Very fun to watch.
Made no sence
I shouldnt bother to make sence of it either. Insulted flash, Insulted Poor People, Insulted Me, Damn it what didn't you insult.
the work is very deep and i like ho u use various artistic effects to portray your ideas. Some color, some just black and white. Excellent use of music too, the beat and tone of the music totally was in touch with the flash. I congratulate you on a fine work of art there. Keep up the good work and remember, there are also good things in life.
Not bad at all!
That was a good work. I think you can put a person thinking at least 3 minutes on the evil lurking in this world with this flash. Keep it up!
pretty good
yeah, it i guess it was kind of strange... but i really liked it, anyway! nice work!