ok im going to be nicer this time.
What I want to know is were did you get that PIC of me siting in that humve. You know that one with that scard kid just siting there looking out of the side like that. This is very true but people you must rember this army runs on a volinter system. Every person in this slideshow knows that. Evey one in the PICS knew what they were geting into. Just remeber this after you read this reviwe. I saw someone die in front of me. He said the only regret he had was that he was not going to see the rest of this CAMPEGN thru. or in other words he was proud to be on the front lines he knew what he was doing and he was proud of what we did in Iraq! My name is Andrew Raus and im a SGT. in the 3RD armoder DIV. and we were some of the frist in bagdad. And that one guy liyng lifeless on the side of that freeway was a scuicde bomer in disgies. He had atlest 10lb of C-4 staped to his chest. So rember this no mater how many men we lose we have got to stay comited to what we are doing there in IRAQ and its some of the brave men we see in this movie why we have the freedoms we have. As my Captien always said,"FREEDOM IS NOT FREE! DONT BACK DOWN NOW OTHER WISE THE TEROIST HAVE ALREDY WON!"