Good drawing style
Nice animation too, but I feel it lacked a good story. It was too short.
The music you put in this is kinda over-used, so you might like to keep that in mind when making a flash.
just about every frame was hand drawn; i hope you can tell. As i said this is the first short i have tryied to make with flash...i could have drawn it out for much longer but decided to try keep it under 30 secs. May make a longer version.
Good drawing style
Nice animation too, but I feel it lacked a good story. It was too short.
The music you put in this is kinda over-used, so you might like to keep that in mind when making a flash.
Like the music
Respect score
thats why u get a 5 all hand drawn is something u dont see to often but...
Final Thought
It still wasn't anyhitng eye cathing or spectacular
that was pretty cool
Fuck yeah, Moonlight Sonata
My favorite ocr. song. I liked it.