I've uploaded the music I used in this movie at the audio portal now, so anyone who cherish it can now download it.
I'm too lazy to make them in to full songs though, for the time being (@_@)
This is a movie I've been making for more than a year, but the animation process took about two weeks.
If you like cute stuff you'll probably enjoy it.
It is narrated in japanese by my best friend Hiroko Kimura who is like 70 years old and has the greatest sense of humour. I hope you like it (^_^)
Roses are red violets are blue the title is english this should be too... :I And raar isna't like dat it is Rawr!
No it's Rår! :p hehe finally they updated the database so I can write in UTF-8.
D :
worst video i've ever seen!it should be called rarr the stupid baby lion!
as if
As if Japanese cartoons weren't normally weird enough already, this one is even weirder. And pointless. And not amusing in the slightest. "Kawaii" alone does not a movie make.
Love it!
How cute! <3 I absolutely adored it.