Pretty nice
Although it kinda promotes suicide, I still liked it. I don't really know why though. Maybe it was the musuc.
*EDIT*: GUYS I loaded it with the wrong proportions! its fixed though...
Just something I made over the weekend. It was sort of inspired by the music, and it started out as just a practice flick for sketching buildings and some fbf (which as you can tell I'm not too good at)...but I'm still getting better. anyways, see if you like it. comments are nice too.
Pretty nice
Although it kinda promotes suicide, I still liked it. I don't really know why though. Maybe it was the musuc.
the music rocks. thank you. sorry about the suicide promotion...It just kind of developed
Interesting and deep concept...
What really made me raise my eyebrow with this flash was how you took a concept that is considered suicidal and made it seem so tranquil. Though the music was cloudy, it really did help to deliver the feeling of the piece. Clever and deep concept, love. Great job!
thank you. although I was more concentrated on that he was happy than that he was about to but thanks for your review anyways. I love reviews. they're underrated. and replying is just as fun. people need to reply to my reviews more! (I reply to every one!)
don't do this in real life
DJ Shadow is awesome, so good pick with the music. Overall a pretty basic but to the point flash. I liked the perspective drawings of the buildings. Someone has taken a drafting class! Oh, i don't really see letting go as jumping off of a building, but hey, whatever works for you...
haahaha, yeah, I'm not suicidal or was sort of an after was just gonna be random parts of a city, but there would b etoo much to I gave up. but look! he's happy! He's let go of everything! (P.S., since this suicide thing is getting me down, he grows wings before he hits and flies away happily :) )
good choice of music
the animation was not that nice but the music made you get your point across.
isn't it though? I love the music. you know...some day I'll be at the point where the animation WILL rock...but what can I say? I've never really been an artist. well, they're not that bad...just not good either. oh well, I'll keep working on it
i really dont have to muchto say other than the animation could be better but it did go with the music and i think that was what u were going for
Final Thought
Looks as if u have some talent i would like to see more.
yup. thats about all I expect from a review of it. I'm not kidding myself, I know its not great.