good one
that was very amusing.... the Bush Vs. Osama or Saddam never gets old and when used well, is always very entertaining. good job.
Most people felt it was underated so i decided to post it again. I fixed the filesize and sounds that people complained about so i hope it's good now.
REMEMBER it's only a cartoon, not pikin any sides so no stupid reviews.
good one
that was very amusing.... the Bush Vs. Osama or Saddam never gets old and when used well, is always very entertaining. good job.
Funny,this should go on front page!
1st off your audio is waaay overmodulated; you stole audio from Looney Toons, and you swiped audio from Sam Kenison. It sounds harsh, but it's true. I can't gig you on the basic concept though, it's been done & redone so many times it's probably public domain by now. Try something original.
Very funny I think this has the potential for a series (with improved sound of course)
The world needs more roadrunner immitations...
Now After watching this funny immitation, I have the sudden urge to go MEEP MEEP!!
But Realy this was realy good as not many people (as far as I know) do Luny tunes Jokes!