Nice movie.
It was pretty funny, and well drawn and all, but my problem was the sound, voices sounded rather bad, there was the static echo messing with it making the sound much worse, if you could fix it I’m sure the movie will be better. Also a background would be nice at some point, but the rest was rather good.
Now for your stats:
Graphics: 8, Good drawing and animation but a few more backgrounds wouldn’t hurt.
Style: 7, Comic atmosphere, pretty funny. Just good old comedy, nice.
Sound: 6, Voices were a mess, the static kept bothering me, try and get rid of it. Use a tissue near the microphone or get a better quality microphone.
Violence: 5,a couple smacks for the poor guy in the movie, but not too much.
Interactivity: 3, As usual, a play button.
Humor: 6, Pretty funny, also reminds me of my experience with women…
Overall: 7, Good movie, I laughed and enjoyed it, keep up the good work.