I was looking for a cable for weeks for my video camera and found it after like a month and wanted to test it out! Got a bit excited and done a little dance and got down tonight. showed a few people and the most common question was what drugs was i on? lol...
OH MY GOD!!!! i think ur movie just kulleid have of my barian sels *twich* *twich* und a has lonst my motuur skills as weal my friennd calls mae stuid but i sAy noo im doseant.
Well it was interesting, the different things kept one interested, and made me laugh abit, i would like to see more though more different styles, but so-far it was funny, you should make more o this though, nice flash here...
More variaty of styles would be a start, and more to the series aswell, then you may want to compress the file somewhat...
A funny and interesting video, but everyone should get a good laugh from it...
hee hee hee!!!
gahhh, you dance soooooooo cutely lol!!!!!!!! I <3 the way you dance! oh, btw, nice pants =)
Your not sad...Your just CRAZY!!!!!
Wunderbar and great flash Peter, lol the mask was the funniest part!