Something went hideously wrong and our flash cartoon changed into a series of pictures of Macgyver. Enjoy! (This flash was originally a completely different flash, but we accidently posted the wrong version of it which wasnt very good. You can see the good version here
m/portal/view/249260 )
YAY for MacGyver pics set to Final Fantasy music!
but seriously, why?
I am a fan of MacGyver but still.... why?
((( HMM )))
Well, this was interesting, i like the way the pictures went to the music. There was not much to this, but it was surprising to see this come up...
Maybe next time you could make it longer, or add some animating into it, but it was a bit funny to see something like this...
let's get this straight....
You're telling me, i have wasted part of my life, in that...umm..."flash"....animation sucked, you really need to stop using all the pictures you can downloadof macshit...I liked that guy, but he's dead to me now...because of you!! :'(