Very clever, friend. The two paddles are quite brilliant. The layout was...off...though--not very pleasant to the eyes. I do not know exactly what you could to do change it, however. Maybe put both paddles in the same game...hehe, or not. ;) Colors nor sounds would help it very much. All that they would accomplish is a larger file size and people complaning about how the colors should be different colors and how the sounds are annoying. So, if you were slightly worried about that, do not be. ;) A couple of suggestions, though--none of them being powerup related. Powerups are rarely clever and greatly overused (a small game like this needs more "arcade" and less eye candy). The final score never changed for me during the three times I played it. I managed to play it differently the three times also (Lives 7, 8, and 9). I do not know if you intended the final score to be static or not, but it would be rather dynamic if you were to multiply the score based on the number of lives remaining. Or, you could even half (or quarter) the player's total points when he loses a "life." Another good effect would be to decrease the points gained when clearing a brick after so many seconds. Say, 10 points per brick cleared within the first ten seconds of play and subtract a point given after (with 1 point given being the minimum, obviously). It would also be nice if the "box" covered the entire game area (the box being the area in the game that recognizes mouse movement). That, however, is not necessary. What I would like to see, however, is something different with the mouse pointer. The basic mouse pointer distracted me. Maybe something mildly transparent...like a shadow of sorts. Or just get rid of it altogether.