I don't come from poland
I would like to hear it in english. Or maybe you can lick hairy american asses.
I come from poland...
And I made this fast
if you don't like it
lick my hairy ass =]
I don't come from poland
I would like to hear it in english. Or maybe you can lick hairy american asses.
lol fajny flash
dalem 5 its awesome. lol its funny
Please blame it and take off Newgrounds this
useless crap. You should be happy in the case you do not understand Polish.
Do autora: jestes malym gownianym polaczkiem-chujkiem. To przez takich jak ty w kraju jest takie g... Wstyd mi ze mam takich "rodakow"
Tez mam w SLD w dupie :D
Nice.I'm sorry that you don't understand,cuz it's hilarious.
It's time to learn polish :D
umm wha..?
is he cursing in french? its not english.. i know that
Hahaha, It's Polish