Mediocre, Muy lamentable.
This is the story of Voleur, a very hateful person over on xbox live. This is the story of how he travel from Peru to USA. and the dirtiest secret of all.. his favorite meal...
Mediocre, Muy lamentable.
erm... racist
1. GreatAnubis: Shakespeare read Don Qvixote. Goethe and Victor Hugo too. So... fick dich. (I'm defending Spanish, not this crap)
2. It wasn't Mariachi music
3. It wasn't the Peruvian National Anthem. It was just one of the various patriotic songs that we have here in Peru. The chorus would say in english:
And its name is Peru, with P of Fatherland (Patria), the E of the Example (Ejemplo), the R of the Rifle (Rifle) and the U of the Union (UniĆ³n). My name is Peru and it's my peruvian race. With the blood in my soul I shout the colours of my flag.
got bored
that was so boring. i only gave it a 1 becauseof da video game part.
No entendi mucho
Soy peruano y no entiendo mucho.
Porque querria ir a Estados Unidos?
No entendi mucho
yo soy peruano y no como gatos
y porque fue a new york si en el mapa dise que va a florida???? ':|
u poco chistoso le di un 4 de 5.