So funny 🤣
Hello everyone! Acronikos and I bring you The Epileptic Soldier- a tale of two soldiers battleing it out on the front lines through seizures and explosions! Note: it's my first flash.
- Enjoy!
So funny 🤣
Ah those were the good ol' days
I remember writing the plot of this with you man. Those were the good ol' days there. We need to make a collab or something especially because both of us are much better animators. Hopefully we'll get our game submitted. I think for our first flash, this is a classic. Congrats to you and me Maverick. Cheers!
this movie is truely awsome! great stuff! I laughed my ass off!
I loved it!
Quite a lengthy movie for your first! I loved that movie! I liked the whole 'epileptic' thing thrown in there everywhere, and just the feel to the whole flash. Awesome job!
- Hopps
I was happy with this movie for two reasons.
1)because like me, you make flashes about sticks and they rule.
2)the helicopter crash was excellent.