This is great
I enjoy playing these games, they're just so fun.
Ok this is what you've all been wating for a new kind of shooter. New stuff added. 2 player mode, shop, submit your highscore, weapons, enemies, diffrent platforms, cheats which you should try, and 11 stages plus 2 more for bosses. Oh and theirs also a special level after credits only if you beat the game, its just for like bonus points, it has nothing to do with the story.
If you can't beat the game make sure you use the cheats.
Level 1-ilovechicken
Level 2-leveler
Level 3-eggsaregood
Level 4-rooster
Level 5-marbles
Level 6-flashrules
Level 7-gonewgrounds
Level 8-tummy
Level 9-ciabatta
Level 10-blood
Level 11-split
Infinite Lives-"Turn it on"
Act As Zeus-imagod
Have Fireball-allfiredup
Have All Guns/Iinfinite Ammo/No Reloads-armory
This is great
I enjoy playing these games, they're just so fun.
Thank you
(title in work)
^^Good Points^^
Better than the previous versions. You fixed the physics a bit, which is what was most needed. You now fall at a good rate, making it easier to play. Highscores was a nice feature to add too.
^^Needs Improving^^
Really nothing improved besides the physics and a few other small things added. The graphics were exactly the same, which is kind of annoying. Level designs look the same as well.
Yeah thats why in part 4 i added drawn backgrounds because peopl got annoyed of the photoshop omages.
Level 1-ilovechicken
Level 2-leveler
Level 3-eggsaregood
Level 4-rooster
Level 5-marbles
Level 6-flashrules
Level 7-gonewgrounds
Level 8-tummy
Level 9-ciabatta
Level 10-blood
Level 11-split
Infinite Lives-"Turn it on"
Act As Zeus-imagod
Have Fireball-allfiredup
Have All Guns/Iinfinite Ammo/No Reloads-armory
Yeah thanks for posting that, poeple had a hard time finding that.
I am mad
I say this referring to the intro, where the big guy kills the family and steals the kid's body. It was the first time I ever felt mad at a character in a flash game! but I cant get past the first level, the long vert platform is to high.badabababa im LOvIn IT
Thats cool, just dont pay attention to the enemies that much, you really dont have to kill them if you dont want too. But if there on your ass, shoot them.
Another one, great!
I really liked it!!!
i´ve waited for this too much!!! :D
You have respondeded me the 1 and the 2 i think :P And well, this game is amazing! :D