i like it
u guys shouldnt be mean say this sucks i like it and even if it is bad u try making a video u fags
Emo Vs Ninja 1.1 - This is my second submition, a remake of the original, however this one is way better, and not quite as blam worthy.
i like it
u guys shouldnt be mean say this sucks i like it and even if it is bad u try making a video u fags
Informative Info
I shit all over this flash.
the only good part is the killing of emo and the song at the end
mmmmmk this was irritateing
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you do you see any other videos on this site that are not flash or clay animation? (with the acception of that faggot viewtiful chris who wont go away) THIS IS NOT YOUTUBE this is for flash animation not webcam videocamera crap
lawl -.-'
dude the ninja was wearing a 'Disturbed' Shirt, and they are Hard rock
And well Some emo's listen to that too..