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here are planets u should use for episodes, seriously u need to put planets in ur upcoming movies.
1 ( none, the movie took place in space)
2 ( corosant, mygeeto a ice planet were kundi adi mudi was, geonosis, and Ilum, if thats a planet.)
3 ( corocant, utapau, kashyyyk, and musafar, were Ma'ad should fight Ya'am)
4 ( tattooine, dagobah were yoda is, a weapon like the deathstar in ur vision.)
5 ( hoth, the snow planet, dagobah,yavin 4, ur own death star vision)
6 ( mos eisley, dagobah, endor, ur own death star vision
sorry if u hate it, I just want to help.
Ma'ad should get marry a girl his own type at the end of episode 2,
And u should really make ma'ad turn to the darkside.