Yes... Just... Yes...
I had this in my head for a long time...
So I flash-inated it.
Yes... Just... Yes...
Dude WTF??????????
That was the shortest thing i've ever seen, but it took an hour to load!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That shows how much my fuckin computer sucks.
Anyways, I didnt even know wtf what happening, but i laughed, so its cool.
I like saying wtf a lot, u wanna know why? Cus Fuck is one of my favorite words, and im 3 quarters deaf in 1 ear so im always saying "what" when people talk to me! So that = WtF (What the Fuck)
lol funny shit
this is some funny shit here i heard lucas is makeing all 6 in 3d now some ppl are ganna be blind before finishing this shit lol nice work thugh
That was funny!
This flash shows the horrible menace that George Lucas unknowingly unleashes each time he begins a Star Wars adventure. It also provokes the next thought: What happens to all those shots that get fired into space but miss their targets? Do they keep soaring until they hit something (possibly a passing ship) a hundred light-years later?
Holy chit!
omfg! i LOVE tacos! they is like my favorite thing ever!!!11!!1111oneoneone!!!!1eleven1!!!!!!!!
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