I Don't Think Any of You Got the Point...
Read the title, then replace "Will" with "Lil".
Get it? This is a satire on a popular Flash cartoon that was made some weeks ago called "Lilium". It's animated like a parody of that, such as with the black scribbly border and the exact same background music.
It seems the CommunistLock has a bit of an opinion about the Goth "schlub-culture" (a subculture composed of shallow ideas and behaviour), and chooses to parodize it. This manages to pull it off more successfully than any of the other parody collections (such as the feculent LaBlueGirl Collection) by looking more like what its trying to satirize instead of describing it in the author's comments, which nobody reads anyway.
I liked "Lilium", personally, but I agree with his stance on the Goth "schlub-culture". People defining themselves by a thin dogma like this truly annoys me, and whats even more annoying is that they're trying to create depth with it by playing sad music and writing bad poetry. Never mind using Gothicness to try and get a better understanding and expression of yourself, it's easier to just suck up attention by wear black and not get any sun. Booga booga.