aaaaawsom... NAAAAT!
i gotta say ending was a big dissapointment
this is one of my coolest flashes. my last one,"Bombs R Kool" was blammed even tho it got really good reviews. this is a great flash. Dont blam for no reason.
aaaaawsom... NAAAAT!
i gotta say ending was a big dissapointment
Eh...practice makes perfect
I've seen all of your other responses, and know that I'm not calling you out. But when I say this piece isn't original, I mean it. I'm not saying I can do any better because I really can't: I suck at animation. But really, work where it best suits you. If it's stick animation, keep practicing: but don't showcase your work here unless you've made significant process. If you can, try and work on other non-stick animations on the side: eventually, you can progress to better things.
Just practice some more. Okay?
((( NEEDS MORE )))
This was cool but needs more "DETAIL" the idea is good, but you may want to add more effects, and maybe some sorta base character with more animation to them aswell, just keep at it, practice makes perfect...
Prince of Persia + Stick figure + Mario = This
OK, the tricks the stick figure does are cool, but very very repetitive. The limited violence had too many different camera angels which amde it seem scechy. And why is tehre To Be Continued when there was no story or point to the entire thing. Hate to give this a bad review but compared to a lot of the otehr things here on Newgrounds, this is not that good.
dude what the hell? why r u commenting so negatively about this, you just said "this was my favorite flash by you", what the hell? your annoying me! make up your mind.
cheezy jeremy,cheezy
very cheezy even though i cant do better lol