Pabst Blue Ribbon...
Greatest beer ever!!! Great vid! Keep it up, man!
Took a while to make this. Had to rustle up all the screenshots of us in ngdrunks to get everything to match the song. All in all it turned out good, SOAS still makes love to moose, and Old-Man-Tussin is headed for the frisbee fields yet.
Pabst Blue Ribbon...
Greatest beer ever!!! Great vid! Keep it up, man!
The jews did 9/11
lol popy seed
funny as hell I think I'll vist drunk ass .com
Brilliance. Plain and simple. b33r is good. Goodbye.
Why thankyou good Canadian, glad that you liked it, eh?
That was friggin' great. Makes me want to go out and drink until I forget what I did today. However I will always remeber this great movie. And the title was a definate eye catcher. Keep up the good work man.
Well, thanky very much for the nice review, I'm glad you liked it, have a drunken day chap.
that was so freaking funny i pissed my pants
or it could be im drunk... i was drinking to make people pretty so its a good thing.
Drinking and Pissing go hand in cock..I mean wut!? Haha, thanks for the review, be sure to take your daily dose of malt, hops, and barley :D