ummm.. yeah..
About as odd as the slipper on my table. Yeah. Nice.. um.. axinhead thng you got there.
P.S. Check my profile and look under music, may remind you of something.. cerealbox coaster.
*=@UPDATE 19, 6, 2005@=*
If you skip scenes you have to right click and click on play.
After loads of hard work, here it is.
I made it best i can.
ummm.. yeah..
About as odd as the slipper on my table. Yeah. Nice.. um.. axinhead thng you got there.
P.S. Check my profile and look under music, may remind you of something.. cerealbox coaster.
I know this might seam silly but...
I really couldn't get anythin to come u but cheat-axeinhead...
I have no idea what else to do, there's no turnovers and no contiuing and it's like weird, maybe you could tell mewhat i'm doing wrong?!?!
all it says when i press watch this movie, is cheat-axeinhead....? wtf? i wanna watch the movie dude! can you please help me??
Perhaps we se more?
I liked this. Lightsabers could use a little softening up around the white center, as well as som good flicker, and you CERTAINLY need a higher quality camera, but you defintely have a good thing going here. Liked the good scenery and nice Blaster deflection. The Scene with the Jedi master falling needed a slight touch of work, I could see that he/she fell off of a jeep. Be a little more choosy with camera angles, try and steady the shots, but you have a good thing going here. I'd like to see more.
To good for words
this is my favorate real life animation w00t but how fustrating is it to make a lightsaber beam at every frame please reply.
it is bloody frustrating LOL! thanks!