this is cool if your 11 like me grade change time
ill change my grades and then increase recess and kick teachers (fire) and then i will forse them to pay me for getting into so many fights ;) and whats good is summers over (regrets:(... )
Not really a hacking tutorial, just some fun ways to fuck around with computers:). Anyway, have fun, and try all that shit out. It's pretty easy to follow.
this is cool if your 11 like me grade change time
ill change my grades and then increase recess and kick teachers (fire) and then i will forse them to pay me for getting into so many fights ;) and whats good is summers over (regrets:(... )
simple batch files...most people SHOULD know, but sadly enough they don't...I suppose it'll work for n00bs or scrip kiddies and weak IT.
Unless your "school" is completely stupid. Command Prompt WILL be blocked. Net Send command doesn't work on computers running Windows XP or higher.
This isn't hacking.
IM so gonna mess around with the schools network this year. I wanna go back now lol!
HAHA! im glad i took I.T now =D
too bad its the summer lol