Total crap I'd say..It really isn't funny OR violent at all. Sound effects were crap as well. Although the animation wasnt terrible thats just about all it had going for it.
this is xenocide episode 2 hope you like it
Total crap I'd say..It really isn't funny OR violent at all. Sound effects were crap as well. Although the animation wasnt terrible thats just about all it had going for it.
exessive violence?
alright tumble weed dosn't sound like a bowling ball to start off with. i get more violence on PBS than this crap. if u think little cherrys and blueberrys runnen around holden these sory ass excuses for guns then ur fucked up!
Theres one thing...
That could turn my "1" into a "2" or even a "3" if it is done well... music, of course. What the hell were you thinking submitting flash that sounded that damn bad?
It's the same as ep 1. Bolth are crap, anyway.
this sux
i wonder why pp would like it