Oh yup
This, my friends, is the greatest cartoon ever made with Dr. Worm in it. In my outrageously honest opinion, there are far too few cartoons with Dr. Worm in them these days... there's nothing like a good Dr. Worm cartoon, let me tell you.
A cross country race that goes too far.
Oh yup
This, my friends, is the greatest cartoon ever made with Dr. Worm in it. In my outrageously honest opinion, there are far too few cartoons with Dr. Worm in them these days... there's nothing like a good Dr. Worm cartoon, let me tell you.
Cross Country
What kind of race was that?Nice movie for being a stick movie.It was pretty long too(Always better if it is)You should make more stick movies,example: Cross Country part 2.
((( DECENT )))
Notbad, and allthough it was stick like, it could be improved with more character like characters, the other art parts of the flash were decent though, it was fun to see how it all turned out though so notbad at all, anyways good job...
this was great...
you know what your doing in flash, im still a noob and still learning butr i hope to get better. This was awsome, I love stickfigure animations...
Nice work
This deserves a much higher score. I haven't laughed harder from any other movie at Newgrounds. I guess the viewers aren't looking past the stickfigures, but it wouldn't have been as funny without em. You've got a hell of a sense of humor.