so jesus is pisst hes evil like darf veder and hitler smaced to geder
I started work on this months ago, but had to stop because of school exams. I went back to it last week to finish it off, and here it is. It is a flash epic. So epic in fact that it comes in 2 parts. Part 2 will be with you as soon as possible. Enjoy this and vote on it in the meantime.
I LOVE the fact that you religeous people are shiiting your pants about this, but seriously, just chill your wabs and watch.
so jesus is pisst hes evil like darf veder and hitler smaced to geder
2 all the religious ppl who hate this
lighten up i mean seriously believe in god but if making fun of him is a sin hell is gonna b overflowing
the troops some how look like Nazi soliders...?
Can't wait for part 4!
You should bring muslims to defend the dogs, it would be funny XD
So either puppies die or Jesus dies?!?! It's rigged, man! Rigged!
And is this ever going to be finished?
God's grave definitely wins "Best Epitaph Ever" award, though.