MJ's B&W song as teh title music, eh?
Interesting choice there... heh. #;-}>
Zekey: Greatness, as usual. And, as usual, the reason I'm reviewing a wacky SS, Academy, Chrome-, etc. etc. time trial/collab/collection in the first place.
FabricatedLunacy: what an excellent tap dancey song. LOOPY GOODNESS.
TwoStar: <insertmoviehere> is truly the best movie I've ever seen from you.
penisstar: BEST STICK FIGURE PENIS EVER. So much like a Group X "Bang Bang Bang" flash but without the Arab stereotyping.
NegativeOneStar: I always like seeing teh sketchy stuff drawn out via teh magic of teh frames passing before our eyes. It was a little short, but enjoyable.
Well done, all. So very well done!