Calum$$$$$$$ Pie$$$$$$$$$$
MAke another flash calum or the monsters and ghosts in the cupboards will come after you and they will kill u all i kill u 2i kill all of you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
u know what im talking about calum.
The green demon is back!
thanks everyone for the constructine critisism on 'Black_sky', might improve it some time in the next few weeks.
Calum$$$$$$$ Pie$$$$$$$$$$
MAke another flash calum or the monsters and ghosts in the cupboards will come after you and they will kill u all i kill u 2i kill all of you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
u know what im talking about calum.
I kinda liked it...
It was pretty funny... a blind green demon attacking people (accidently?) Its cool... but not the best... so I give it a 6
lmao wtf?
This was defenatly a random flash,but it was still funny as hell,lots of blood too,great job. ^_^
i dunno
I dont really know what to think of this one, very random and the animation isnt very good and the graphics need work but there is something i like about it wich is why i gave you a 4... Keep trying :)
pretty wierd
wierd but pretty good, i liked it.