all good but 1 promble
umm dude you put it for all ages and it says fu*k and it has blood and stuff its should be for teens you retard
long load
56k or lower, shouldnt try.
all good but 1 promble
umm dude you put it for all ages and it says fu*k and it has blood and stuff its should be for teens you retard
i know what you were trying to say but the proble was the way you illiistrated it. if killing people is the only negitive effect you can display then you have some problems. try using somthing other than suicide or tragic acedents to show how one thing leads to another. (please frogive my grammer and spelling)
The paper should say "you are a dumb fuck" and you should also try to make your people move smoother, and it also feels like you focused on certain characters a bit too long...
But i feel you picked a pretty good song, eventhough it didn't quite match what you were trying to say...
this sucked for one thing shouldnt it be your a dumb fuck not you a dumb fuck
Whoever doesnt know nirvana is an idiot.
That was pretty good . This movie made me take every thing i ever wrote and burn it and eat the ashes. Thank you Albert Hui! You probably saved my life.