Nim and beavers... the (not-so) hidden connection!
Interesting prologue INDEED... how slowly the typical Nim/Zekey flash fan must read, though. Or maybe it's just my 7.5 year old computer taking forever. AH, AT LEAST. THE BEAVER MENU. #;-}>
Apoc Meow... ehhhhuuum... yes. Horror. Only. Not so much.
The Cheese... that's the ticket!
LEMUR... ahhh, lovely lovely stick figures plotting to revive teh dreaded lemooor.
Antelope Dance Time... ummmm... ... just um, yes.
Dora... holy... crap. Dora the Conquistadora... That is serious greatness. That's it, I can't review this any longer. This is the height of the collection of teh Nim Files, there is no sense in reviewing any further. It is all... good... now. :::goes off and spasms in the corner:::