Update: All of the "subliminal" messages have been reported on the reviews except for one....
I implore you to watch the whole thing.
Movie Facts for those of you who care!
FPS: 20
Length: 1 minute, 37 seconds
Number of Symbols: 31
Number of Scenes: 2
Number of Frames: 1980
Time Spent: No godly idea. I started this about 3 months ago, and decided to finish it. I began making it again from the "Groin shots are over rated" part. From then on, it took me about 4 days, working a couple hours a day.
also ZX
I cant beilive your my boyfriend.
I can't believe I made this.
WOOT very good if this where cheese i would eat it
btw ignore estupid animate again or ill bite u in gym and dont think i wont!
I do enjoy cheese. I have not animated in many moons, which makes me a sad panda. I was finally getting the hang of it all and I stopped for no reason what-so-ever. Now I will most likly have to relearn all the tricks I picked up when I do decide to animate again. Thanks for the praise.
haha jp, ur friends at PoLaP Studios
I always love hearing such positive comments from friends.
Simple, but awesome
It's really well done for a stick fight movie, and funny as hell. On that note, you are the ultimate responder. You have responded to EVERY review. How the hell? lolomgwtfbbqkthxbye.
Hey, why not? Just want to make sure my "fans" know im here. I plan to respond to every one I get as time allows. Anyway, thanks for the praise and the review. My next project is without stick figures!