dude we know, we know - but dont be a terrorist, that'd be really faggish of you.
Instead of leaving the original lo-fi no-quality demo of this to gather dust on my hard drive, I figured I'd let it see the light of day before I ignore it forever.
The full version of the song will be performed by i-MOLOTOV.
cheers scart
BTW, thanks to those who voted for it.
dude we know, we know - but dont be a terrorist, that'd be really faggish of you.
cool lyrics fuck bush fuck war fuck fossil fuels
i dont need u to preech to me about crap..i wanna be a terroist? then get out oof the fuckin country!
Good:You dont like George Bush
Bad:You wanna be a terrorist
Ugly:The strange song
not bad. wierd song. i liked it, some might not.
i thought the bush puppet was funny, and the song was alright....... it was ok, but the rymes and music and.......... well, it was ok. it was different, so i liked it.