A good effort
Yeah, so now that we know that teenage girls are touchy, so you'll get alot of flak from loads of insecure ones. This flash honestly made me giggle. The music has that right cute/annoying quality that can either get you hated or loved. The whole time I half expected some overly cute anime character to pop out of nowhere and say "boobies" for no reason. Update it with more catagories and maybe have two characters, one slightly perverted and another being the girl who hits him with a mallet when he says the wrong thing, if you want, it might be more fun. Also, don't let the buzzkill patrol get to you, most people grow out of it and get tough enough skin. Besides boobies are things you can make cute lighthearted silliness out of, cuz let's face it, someone can't make the same thing about dudes's packages, nothing cute or lighthearted there.
CW- Great, now everytime I hear this song I'll think of some pink haired-big boobied chick with a giant Looney Tunes Style lollypop. Damn you overactive imagination!