pretty funny, coulda been longer though, nice use of the moving camera effect, it reall gave it that over the shoulder camera feel indicative of the cops show, Nice drawings and voicework too.
pretty funny, coulda been longer though, nice use of the moving camera effect, it reall gave it that over the shoulder camera feel indicative of the cops show, Nice drawings and voicework too.
Needed to be longer
What you had was alright but it was far too short, which made the movie lose points, it really did need more to it, it was just one thing and it was over, you should ahve had something else happening afterwards, like he should have gone to a few more houses or something.
Pretty old submission...
and very few reviews... wow, author must be bored.
the Cops theme was good, sound wise, and fitting into the flash wise.
4 years old and only 8 reviews?
That was just plain weird. Bunch of crazies out there heh heh.
You had all the right ideas I can tell you that much.
Good Job!
This one was great, you need to make more stuff like this.