Really sweet, I just didn't get the end ,and I'dve liked it to go on :) Great, though.
I started this flash ages ago. I became bored it but I promised myself I'd finish it and I have.
It is the story of a day out in the life of a boy. Enjoy
Really sweet, I just didn't get the end ,and I'dve liked it to go on :) Great, though.
The ending is kind of a let down because i couldnt be bothered to finish it properly.
((( WOW )))
This was very welldone, the colors were something else, they really represented a certaon tone that matched everything in which made it unique, the "SONG" was great and really was pleasent with the nice animation and decent content, very welldone work, i hope to see more soon...
Another great work
From what i have seen of your work i am very attracted to your style in flash animation and frame by frame work! I am one for funny flash movies yet this one was simple and it made me realise the precious little time we have to spend with our loved ones. i think the music you chose for this animation was a great choice and has always been one of my favourites for when i am missing those close to me. This animation is a good piece of work and i have nothing to criticise apart from the music stop at the end but that is if i HAVE to sad something bad! Keep up the good work!
pointlessly alright
man... i was dissappointed. with the style in which the lovers were drawn i very much expected one of them to just bust out and eat the other one. kold hard murdah! but nah... nothin. not that something has to be morbid or gorey to be good... but otherwise this was a big bowl of boring with seemingly no point other than to showcase the fact that you draw nice backgrounds. good job with that at least.
Not amazing but pretty good
I liked the choice of music. Despite what was said before me about "the plot being bad" because the boy was walking to long, I think it was good. I think that since this is a veiw of life that it doesn't have to go fast and be easy and enjoyable to veiw. Life isn't always fast paced and interesting. Good job, hope you work on some more flashes.