Category Change
The Basics:
The beginning was simple, clear, and to the point. The music was a good choice for getting the 'player', in this case since this was 'supposed' to be a game, in the mood for a bit of action. And I'll even go so far as to say that the graphics weren't the best in the world but were familiar and stable so it's not that shabby.
Now had this been an actual game I could have made the review of your 'product' a bit more indepth and gave you a proper critic. Unfortunately this was NOT a game at all but a simple, using the term very liberally, trailer about the game that you are, apparently, still working on. It's not even a proper, finished trailer
at that, just an incomplete piece of flash. That doesn't promote me to give you a score any higher than a 2 at best.
I'd also like to give a bit of friendly advice, so please don't take it the wrong way. There is a vast difference between a Game and a Flash. This, my friend, is a flash. Might want to resubmit this to the proper category in order to keep others from mistaking the work as an actual game and grouse at you for no game play what so ever. Keeping this in the game section just confuses and upsets many because when they click the game flashes they expect to be able to play a 'game' not just watch a trailer for a game. Granted that there could be a trailer to the game then the actual content to play on in a game but never just the trailer in the GAME section. It's bad form.
There is potiental for this to actually be a worthwhile game but until I'm able to 'play' your game I'm rendering my vote low.