whoever thout this was good sucks
I need some ideas on what should happen next.
whoever thout this was good sucks
I'll tell you what should happen next,...
What should happen next is you take this stupid shit off NG and then STOP LISTENING TO THAT DAMN TECHNO!! Dont you know that shit rots your brain? oh wait, I think it already has. is that why you made that crap? rotted brain make you do it?
i have an idea
wat needs to happen next is u need to stop making flashes cause u suck and we all hate u
is this thing actually something?
The point was?????
You are a good animator and make smooth stuff that is nice to watch. But I think that a good movie must have something more to offer, like a good joke or funny characters.
This movie is just pointless. You should really make a new movie with a story and some more entertaining characters.
This movie is just a waste of time. It is pointless!!!