u made this 3 years ago did'nt u?the moive was kinda short by the way
Heres a old movie that I made long time ago! Hope that youll like it!!!
u made this 3 years ago did'nt u?the moive was kinda short by the way
luigi rules
luigi always looks diferent.....u can tell he looks thiner and his nose really stads not saying i dont like it i acaualy love it i was trying to get that as my profile pic
its good...more like great though
what else do i need to say?
Decent Luigi Flash!
Huh, I don't see too many of these sprite made flashes with Luigi nowadays. It's pretty rare, actually, though the ones I've seen here so far tend to be just as good (if not, even better) than some of the Mario ones! Although it was a little short and it could've had more to it, I still enjoyed it and found it to be an excellent remix of the original "Luigi's Mansion" for the Nintendo Gamecube, only from the old fashioned look of the SNES! (Nothing beats retro, after all!) I also liked the vaccuum that was made for the Luigi sprite. It looked very convincing as if it could have been used in an old Mario game, which makes it awesome! The ending was also an unexpected surprise, but ended it all well. The style to this almost reminds me of that of Phantasmagoria_Crow's, considering all the background detail and such. Again, it could've been a bit longer, but it's still good for a short! :)
Well thx alot! Actually this movie was suppose to be include in a other movie... thats why the cell phone is a bit nowhere lol! Heh nothings beat retro! This is one of the first flashes I made In my life and I fixed lot of thing before release it! I learned much of what I know now fromm this movie!
Really nice from you to have review this movie!
Thx alot!
Not enough animation. You show Luigi jumping up and performing a multi-hit kick attack at a Boo (somehow) yet you don't see his legs actually swinging with each kick. You just see a sprite of Luigi kinda floating around in the air. Sorry, but this needs more work.
Yeah, your right....that was my second animation.... Thats why it wasnt really good... I didnt know how to make sprites thats why his kicks and things like that sucked....
Anyway thx for reviewing!
I wont deceive you with my next flash dont worry :P!