Well the first one kinda sucked but made me want to watch the second one which kinda sucked too but sucked alot less.. No laughter emitted form my body but i smiled.. and uhh on a side note if thatpic was of you.... You are kinda cute.. Kthen
Ya gotta watcha part one first, eh?
Well the first one kinda sucked but made me want to watch the second one which kinda sucked too but sucked alot less.. No laughter emitted form my body but i smiled.. and uhh on a side note if thatpic was of you.... You are kinda cute.. Kthen
Review #2,600!
Preloader/play button...You need them. I started this off, hoping that this would be better than the first part. It was slow starting, and mad me get ancy. Really, really ancy... This is nothing really new, pretty similar to part 1. Graphics got a little better.
red deer = stupid hicks = this movie
this movie made my head hurt, but it was pretty funny in an odd sick and twisted way.
Funny, but incredibly dumb.
Keeps getting better.