this is awesome
-got a better pre loader
-improved the buttons so interface is more user friendly
- click and hold on some of the pics to increase there size!!
Iv nearly finished all i have to do is finish skill2 but since i got exams this wont happen for a couple of months so id though id upload it now and update it later.
skills1 is semi-rotoscoped
bails is stick men (i think stick men killing them self's is funnier then real people)
and tip for all you skater struggling with the basics.
**this movie may take 20+mins to load witha standard dial up modem (56K), this is the most i could compress the file to and when you say the amount of songs and lenght of the movie id say i did a pretty good job.
p.s - how do u delete old movies??
this is awesome
where did u get the references??????
Nice music, nice animation, and animation style!!!U r a flash god!!!
hum my oatbag
dpnt you meen bails is stickmen because you cant draw real people by yourself?
it still wasnt too bad but it was just exactly the same as the rodney mullen videos, and as many flaws as it had it was still 1000 times better than number 1
NicE VIdEo anD thE BaiLs r FuNNy is hEll! 5/5 100%