Ok, but I don't understand what the purpose of this "commercial" is!!!
My version of the "commercial" from Shock Treatment. Not the greatest Flash work, but ST fans will like it.
Ok, but I don't understand what the purpose of this "commercial" is!!!
I dont get it
I hate this piece of shit!
This movie fucks so bad sucks. I'd rather slurp a buffalo's ass hole with a straw than watch this shit. I'd rather play with dog turds then watch this shit!
what did we do to you?
WTF is this! this vid looks like a 2 year-old made it. nobody can understand what its talking about, I mean is this some kind of punishment for Newgrounds? This would be Turd Of The Month if such a thing exested
wheres the shock treatment? i see no shock treatment!!! >.< why did newgrounds random portal take me here WHY!!!!!! POR QUE!!!!!!