What I really wanna know is...
How did your mom react to that? XD
I made this for my mom when I found I had nothing to get her for Mother's Day. This humble submission was made in four hours, so please accept him for what he is. Happy Mother's Day Everyone!
What I really wanna know is...
How did your mom react to that? XD
Dude that um, sucked.
Really the only good part was the killing of the stupid little girl.
I love your movie sager...
i can't believe how much you care about your mother to make her, her very own flash movie. It touched me alot, or maybe that was my mom squeezing my shoulder as i made her watch it but it was great no doubt.
you have been great in the past and i see your great now and i know you will be great in the future.
your very good friend,
Jack But otherwise known as Josh
First of all, there was that white spot at the beggining of the movie, when the screen was black. It was annoying :P Anyway, you should try to not shout in your micro, because it hurts our ears. Good idea, that was pretty simple and a bit slow. You have to work a bit more on drawings and animation next time.
5/10 --> No comment.
Source : FBI
it was ok
anyways that was good, and to answer ng gold acount user colly2004, it's mothers day, that's why there are mother's day cartoons out there. Anyways good work, it was really funny