I can barely understand what the sheeps saying. I didn't like it.
this is a movie for the song "bedshaped" from Keane, as i love this song i wanted to make one of my sheep sing a song so i chose this one.. I'm quite proud of it as I'm a beginner in Flash
I can barely understand what the sheeps saying. I didn't like it.
that was pretty good it was sorta sad and mad eu sorta cry
and i gotta say keane is good
O.o That was really really interesting......well all i gotta say is....KEANE rocks. Great song. And even with the high-pitchedness added to the song, it still sounds awesome. The graphics were ok, the story was really cute, and the sound was fantastic. Great job. KEANE Whooo!
soo cute!
pretty good! I think you've got real potential!! I'm not a flash artist myself, but i'm a flash-criticist, if that even exists ;)
pretty cute sheep, too!
Xx rai
not bad
interesting animation you got here. i've never heard of that song before, but i got a good laugh out of the sheep charachter singing. it was cool.