funny shit man.almost had a sezerue at pokemon
this is the first DSTV (dungeon studios TV) showing you pixeled music videos
with all-time greats like the hyrule rockers, pokemon masters and sonic all-stars
EDIT: hey the score is high for my standerds 8D
for those who think i don't credit songs, check the credits 'POLKAMON SUNG BY WEIRD AL YANKOVIC'
legend of zelda is not sung by SoaD, i'm a major SoaD fan and i know it isn't sung by them, so leave it at that
funny shit man.almost had a sezerue at pokemon
I LOL'd at Link breakdancing.
Great video. :3
Great video. i liked them all. :3 and The zelda song sound NOTHING like SOAD.
i heard these songs already
polkamonis from weird a
My favorite of the series.
They're all great. I love this video. Pretty well made, good, fitting songs, overall good job.
1. Sonic
2. Pokemon
3. Zelda