Eh, It's ok
A 10 for the Dead Milkmen... who don't seem to be credited in your video.
K this is my first attempt at a music video... it works fine on my computer but i was testing it and it was kinda running slow so this might not work
Eh, It's ok
A 10 for the Dead Milkmen... who don't seem to be credited in your video.
It sucks! Dont watch it! Watch the other one!
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!!!!
but i like the. i guess teh other was was first, b/c ive never seen urs... but i liked teh other better, but its a good song.. good finkin
i like your ideas. gimme a hug. the music was goodgood. and mongs are funny. hahahahahahaha. boyed by a squirrel.
well done
peace out doode
that was kool but the song was ahead of the video.
Still goodjob