I hate previews. A lil action, even 1 punch would have made this worhtwhile. Its interesting, but boring overall.
tell me what you think. this is just a little example for what could come on newgrounds. comments of anykind is well appreciated..
I hate previews. A lil action, even 1 punch would have made this worhtwhile. Its interesting, but boring overall.
cant wait
this is most likely the best preview i've seen on newgrounds. i really cant wait! >w<
oh, by the way.. 2 things that migth help u there...
1, the last text that the girl says.. it goes too quickly : P try to keep the texts on for a little longer so people can actually read.. heh
and 2, to stop the animation, put stop() at the end of the actions menu at the bottom.. put it all the way at the end so it wont loop forever.
all in all, i really liked what i saw ^^ as i've previously stated, i can barely wait for the full version :D oh and good use of the music too.
this was a really quick put together i mean i literally put noeffort in doing the small touch ups...i jsut wanted to see peoples reactions to this...and for the real thing ill put the button <: )
That is the best trailer that i have ever seen. And what caght me was the use of the music. It was simply superb.
Extremely Short I know it's a trailer
It's a trailer and thus, that mean it doesn't get a relatively high score. 5 would be considered pretty high for a trailer.
I could hear no sounds at all so I couldn't give it any score.
The graphics were original so I'll leave that as another 6.
The interactivity was greater than what I'm used to seeing in Flash movies. They actually have some deep meanings that get me thinking on what kind of relationships those two had. You could practically tell the story from the dialogue. Now that's some interactivity there.
A short list:
Ok - the grpahics are decent but here are a few things -
1) Voices - we love them, they make your flash more cinematic.
2) Japanimation - the style may be new to the U.S. - I think you need to work out of it - sharp contrasts, heavy outlining, a lack of real shading all make the screen seem flat. More volume is needed in your flash.
3) Background is flat - it only aggrivates the forground and main charaters.
4) try adding color - it helps.
well - I liked it anyways - the movement could be more smooth - but - I will hold off judgment untill I see the full version.
japanimation also known as anime as not new to the has been around since the 80s its just that more people are being spread to world of is my own personal preference of drawing anime with my own style...everyone gets their influence from someone else...its just how you take those influences and turn it into your own ways. and thank you.