see, now that's how quickie humor is supposed to be done.
Hello everyone, its only been one day since I've submitted and heres my new animation that me and my brother made in about 6-8 hours or so. It didn't take that long so its not the best quality but please enjoy it.
see, now that's how quickie humor is supposed to be done.
lol wtf!?
that fucking ruled!
heh, mexicans...
pretty funny idea, but could have been expanded on. since it was so short i think that you could/should have put more effort into making the graphics look really nice - the characters lacked detail especially in their faces...
the animation was average, nothing special... the voice acting was the same. the movie itself was short, and had a simple, average punchline. NOT bad..
(THE THUMB: sideways)
uh it sucked
Pointless shit, it sucked....If i had the time I would create something 10 times better....o yeah it wasn't funny
uh... u suck. I highly doubt you could make something 10 times as good without taking your time... I wanted to do this project very quickly. It only took about 6-8 hours.
i didnt get it
even if the animation isnt the greatest, a funny story will make it good. i really didnt find this story to be funny at all.